
Thursday 1 March 2012

smiling but were close to tears.

Got a little bored, so decided to draw! I'm really not any good and this is my first time at drawing any outfits, but just thought i'd give it ago, hopefully the more I practice the better i'll be at it :)

Also, wanted to show my new gorgeous ring which was only 1 pound! Bargain! it's from Dorothy Perkins :)

Song of the day - The Script - For the first time.


  1. lovely ring- only £1?! I love that you do a song of the day:) I love your blog and am now following, I'd love it if you could follow me back?:Dxoxo

    1. Yes, only £1! I couldn't believe it! Thankyou, I wanted to put a song of the day on my posts, that that I can look back at them and rediscover songs I might not have listened to in a while and also so people can see what music I like :) That's very sweet of you, thank you so much! I'm following you back now :) xo.
