
Tuesday 6 March 2012

New blackberry :)

Hello :)

So today my beautiful new phone arrived! It's a white blackberry curve 9360 :) I was so excited to get it, not just because of course it's a new phone, but because I finally
have a phone that works! So now that saves me having to carry my charger everywhere with me, hoping it won't turn to a white screen when a plug socket isn't in reach!
And I won't have to copy and paste my "a" everytime i'm typing, thankyou for my update orange! So far so good with the new one :) xo

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Your new phone looks amazing, and it has features that would fit your active social life. This phone is definitely for you. You'll never lose touch with friends and family since social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter are readily available. You'll also enjoy its Blackberry Messenger, Social Feeds Music Storefront, and Blackberry Protect.

    Samantha Cole
